Technology that allows people with disabilities to utilize it to do the same tasks as those without disabilities is known as assistive technology. Helping these individuals use technology with the same results as those without disabilities was made possible in large part by assistive technology. The pros of assistive technology (AT) are that it creates awareness, builds social bridges and organizational skills, and allows students to work in their own space. The Cons of Assistive technology (AT) are that it is time-consuming, costly, requires training, lacks space for efficiency, and is cumbersome
Pros of Assistive Technology | Advantages of Assistive Technology
- The best approach to educating technology in a way that everyone understands involves assistive technology.
- Due to assistive technology, people with disabilities have a greater possibility of achieving more on their own.
- With the help of technology, a student with disabilities can continue to learn at their own pace while gaining the same knowledge as their peers. Nobody senses that they are being pushed.
- Students can accomplish more individually.
- It helps both kids with impairments and the chances of self-sufficiency for people with disabilities.
- The availability of assistive technology has increased the chances of self-sufficiency for people with disabilities.
- Students can now more easily achieve academic achievement and standards.
- By using assistive technology, children may improve their social bonds.
- Students are included in the regular classroom.
- With the help of assistive technology, students may now socialize with more peers more easily.
- Students can enhance their writing and organizational skills with the use of technology. So the student has access to more opportunities.
- Assistive technology makes life easier for those with the problem and increases public awareness of the problem.
- Students can have a better education because of technology.
Cons of Assistive Technology | Disadvantages of Assistive Technology
- Training is required to use the technologies correctly, and it takes a lot of time. To use the technology, both teachers and students need to receive training.
- We are all aware of technology’s limits. It might break out just when you need it most, which might be dangerous.
- The cost of assistive technology is high. Buying all of the necessary equipment at once becomes very costly because it calls for specialized equipment.
- Since many technologies might cost thousands of dollars, many school districts struggle financially to provide them.
- The large amount of equipment needed for assistive technology could present challenges about storage space and other related issues.
- Educators and learners must receive training on the use of assistive technology.
- If someone is not used to using AT, it could at times be difficult to utilize. It is time-consuming
- Access to assistive technology is a privilege that is not available to everyone.
- Students will not be able to participate in the regular flow of communication with electronic communication devices.
Thank you for reading this article. If you have any queries regarding our article on the pros and cons of assistive technology, then do leave a comment in the comment section below.
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Author Profile

- Jay Solanki is an expert writer with 8+ years of experience as a content writer. They specialize in making complex topics like insurance and technology easy to understand. Jay has written over thousands of articles to help people become confident about technology knowledge. Prior to joining Way2benefits’s editorial team in 2020, Jay worked as a Digital Marketing Expert and user experience researcher, producing content for US based firms.
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