Pros and cons of Python

Python is one of the most popular programming languages used today. So Is it good choice for your next project though?  It achieved this position as a result of its strong features, flexibility and simplicity of use. Python is a high-level, object-oriented, general-purpose, interpreted programming language with dynamic semantics. The Pros of Python language are it is object-oriented, Simple, versatile, easy use and develop,  Speedy, Improves productivity, is free of open source, large standard library, is portable, easy to code, and has automatic memory management. However, There are several disadvantages of cons of Python are speed limitation, not suitable for mobile,  large memory consumption,  Difficult to test,  Error detection codes, and Design limitation. Let’s see more  Pros and cons of Python to consider when looking at its positives and negatives, to help you decide.

Pros of Python | Advantages of Python

1. Free and open source

The programming language Python is an example of FLOSS, which means that we are free to distribute copies of this software, read its source code, edit it, and create new programs. This is the rationale behind the community improvement of Python.

2. Object-oriented

This language supports both the procedural and object-oriented programming paradigms. Class and objects allow us to model the real world, whereas function assists us with code reuse. A class enables the consolidation of functions and data into one unit.

3. Automatic memory management

Python provides automatic memory management, which involves the automatic release and clearing of memory. There is no need for us to worry about manually erasing the memory.

4. Flexible and extensible

Python has a great deal of flexibility. It is extended to other languages and You can easily write code in languages like C and C++.  So, it can easily build new features in the dynamically typed languages.

5. Large standard library

Python has a sizable standard library. Regular expression, documentation generation, unit testing, threading, databases, web browsers, FTP, EMail, XML, HTML, WAVfiles, and other system-dependent tasks are among those that are made easier by using them.

6. Opportunities in IoT

Python believes that the Internet of Things has a bright future because it is the foundation for a cutting-edge platform like the raspberry pi. This help to link the language to the outside world.

7. Readability

Python’s syntax makes it a very readable language.

8. Improved productivity

Compared to other programming languages like Java and C++, programmers are more productive with extensive libraries. You produce more work while writing less code.

9. Speedy

Python is a fast language known as ready to run because it runs code directly without complication.

10. Simple to learn, read and write

Python is a high-level programming language with an English-like syntax. The code is now simpler to read and comprehend as a result. Python is extremely simple to pick up and learn, so people suggest it to beginners. Compared to other popular languages like C/C++ and Java, you need fewer lines of code to complete the same task.

11. Portable

Due to its open-source nature, Python is portable to many platforms. Python can run on any platform without modifying the current program.

12. Easy to code

Python is a very user-friendly programming language; anyone can easily understand the code by reading it. A developer-friendly language is Python.

13. Machine Learning

Python s an excellent choice when you business need web projects to be integrated with machine learning algorithms. Web project that require python use it because it provides rich libraries, and making it easier for the developer to work with data.

Cons of Python | Disadvantages of Python

  1. Not suitable for mobile

Python is not a good choice for mobile devices because it is primarily used as a server-side scripting language. Additionally, mobile-based applications are hardly ever used.

2. Difficult to test

Testing is challenging because runtime error detection includes syntax errors. To get the output, we must fix every error. Therefore, testing in Python can be challenging, especially when integrated with other systems.

3. Large memory consumption

Python’s high memory usage makes it unsuitable when memory is at a premium. More memory is required for Python structures.

4. Error detection codes

Python was run through an interpreter rather than a compiler for error detection. Therefore, errors and bugs cannot be found while the programming runs. To catch errors, developers should have written exception-handling code.

5. Design limitations

Python is a dynamic type language, meaning variables do not need to be declared before use. Although this makes the programmer’s job easier, it could result in run time errors because of erroneous data movements.

6. Speed limitation

Python execution times are slow because the code is executed line by line.

7. Weak database access layers

Compared to ODBC and JDBC, which are the industry standards, database layers are less comparable.


Concluding this article on pros and cons of Python, There are some speed , security and run time issue, Python is a great language to pick up. However it is up to you how well you analyze your project requirement before choosing python as your preferred programming languages. Python is free, easy, extensile, embeddable, portable, readable, and object oriented languages.

Thank you for reading this article. If you have any queries regarding our article on the Pros and cons of Python then do comment in the comment section below.

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Author Profile

Divya Chauhan
Divya Chauhan is an expert writer with 10+ years of experience as a content writer. They specialize in making complex topics like IT, Health, and general topic easy to understand. Divya has written over thousands of articles to help people with their content. Prior to joining Way2benefits’s editorial team in 2020, Divya worked as a Professor of BCA college and freelancer blogger.