The first high-definition televisions available were plasma designs, which are currently in high demand. More complex LCD TVs have been released as technology advances, despite their poorer picture quality as compared to plasma TVs. So let’s check out the pros and cons of plasma TV to better understand this topic. The pros of plasma TV are its higher resolution, lightweight, wall mounting, outstanding screen quality, and many more. The disadvantages of plasma TV are that it is shorter in life span, large in size, expensive, and has a lower brightness level. In brief, explain below.
Pros of Plasma TV | Advantages of Plasma TV
- If you offer a higher resolution,
- It has a slim profile
- It is light in weight.
- Can be wall-mounted
- Less bulky than rear projection television
- It offers magnetic field immunity
- It is compatible with computers.
- It offers uniform brightness across the entire screen
- It prevents motion blurs found in LCDs, which can’t turn on and off pixels quickly
- Outstanding screen quality.
- It can display 16.77 million colors
- It can display HDTV-compliant signals
- If offer widescreen 16:9 ratio display
- Superior contrast ratio
- It provides uniform brightness across the screen.
- They can be mounted on the walls with LCD and LED TVs
- Wider viewing angles than those of LCD
- It provides ideal flat screens by reducing glare and image distortion
- They have high viewing angles compared to other display types
- less susceptible to reflected glare in bright spaces since illumination is not necessary
- Plasma TV does not rely on filters to manage the screen light, thus enabling you to view the pictures at wide angles without losing picture integrity.
Cons of Plasma TV | Disadvantages of Plasma TV
- The energy consumption is higher
- They produce glare due to reflection
- Prices are very high
- They have the potential to burn in
- They have shorter life spans, and there is no motion to repair burnt-out tubes or backlights
- TV screens made of plasma are only available in 32-inch sizes.
- They cannot be used in areas with high altitudes.
- Susceptible to large-area flicker
- Plasma TV technology is very fragile and hence TV units are very easily damaged
- Plasma TV consumes more electricity compared to LCD
- It is heavier than an LCD because a glass screen is needed to contain the gases
- The suburb’s quality and size come with a price tag. They are sold at higher prices compared to LCDs
- Plasma TVs come in large sizes; therefore, if you are looking for a bedroom television, you have to look for alternative brands that have smaller sizes
- The phosphors in the display wear out or lose brightness. After some time, the display will be as bright as it was when it was new.
- They have a glossy, reflective screen
- They have a glossy reflective screen, which makes them have poor screen brightness, especially if you are in a room with a lot of light
Thank you for reading this article. If you have any queries regarding our article on the pros and cons of plasma TV, then do leave a comment in the comment section below.
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Author Profile

- Jay Solanki is an expert writer with 8+ years of experience as a content writer. They specialize in making complex topics like insurance and technology easy to understand. Jay has written over thousands of articles to help people become confident about technology knowledge. Prior to joining Way2benefits’s editorial team in 2020, Jay worked as a Digital Marketing Expert and user experience researcher, producing content for US based firms.
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