Pros and Cons of Hydroelectric Power

Any useful energy produced by water, whether it originates from turbines, dams or some other source is known as hydropower. The pros of hydroelectric power are it is Renewable and sustainable, Job creation, Flexible, Low greenhouse gas emissions, Clean and safe, Reliable and stable energy supply, Flood control and water management, Improving the local economy, and Energy storage. The Cons of hydroelectric power are it is costly, There are droughts, and It may not always be safe. Let us discuss the pros and cons of hydroelectric power to better understand this topic.

Pros of Hydroelectric Power | Advantages of Hydroelectric Power

Renewable and sustainable

Hydropower relies on the natural water cycle, which is continuously refilled by precipitation and snowmelt, making it a renewable energy source.


A flexible source of electricity is hydropower since hydro plants can easily scale up and down to meet changing energy demands.

Low greenhouse gas emissions

Hydropower is one of the cleanest energy sources accessible since it produces electricity without the release of greenhouse gases or other air pollutants. It lessens air pollution and fights climate change.

Clean and safe

Hydroelectricity is a clean and environmentally friendly alternative energy source, in contrast to fossil fuels, biomass, and nuclear energy. Hydroelectric dams do not emit any greenhouse gases or poisons into the environment because they do not require fuel.

Reliable and stable energy supply

Hydropower plants have a reliable source of electricity since they can run continuously. They help to maintain a dependable power grid because they can react fast to fluctuations in electricity demand.

Flood control and water management

By controlling water flow, hydropower reservoirs can act as flood control systems and assist in managing water resources. This can lessen the likelihood of flooding downstream.

Improving local economy

The numerous industries that can develop around a man-made lake using a s hydropower reservoir may also significantly improve the local economy. This increases local economic sustainability and generates new jobs.

Energy storage

Some hydrologic power facilities have the ability to store energy by putting water into a reservoir during times of low demand and releasing it during times of peak demand.

Job creation

Engineering, construction, and maintenance occupations are among the many industries that are impacted by the building and running of hydroelectric facilities.

Cons of Hydroelectric power | Disadvantages of Hydroelectric power

It is costly

The cost of initially constructing a dam is another drawback of hydroelectric power. Even if they don’t cost much to run, it might take a dam a long time to pay for itself. Some dams take two to five years to build, but others like the Itaipu dam in Paraguay and Brazil, can take much longer and cost more money.

There are droughts

Water may experience cycles of excess and scarcity, which should be considered while assessing the benefits and drawbacks of hydroelectric power. The production of energy can be significantly impacted by lower-than-normal water levels, which is a drawback of hydroelectric power.

It may not always be safe

Dams still pose risks disregarding the lack of combustible fuel. Both dam failure and construction mishaps have the potential to cause harm or even fatalities. When the Bangiao Reservoir dam in China was demolished by a storm in 1975, it was one of the biggest disasters ever.

Environmental damage

Grave geological harm can result from the construction of large-scale dams. The building of the Hoover Dam in the United States, which sparked earthquakes and depressed the earth’s surface nearby, is a typical example of geological destruction.

Only limited plant location

Hydropower is renewable, yet there aren’t many locations on earth where you can build a plant. Additionally, some of these locations are far from big cities where the energy may be used to its maximum potential.

Author Profile

Jay Solanki
Jay Solanki
Jay Solanki is an expert writer with 8+ years of experience as a content writer. They specialize in making complex topics like insurance and technology easy to understand. Jay has written over thousands of articles to help people become confident about technology knowledge. Prior to joining Way2benefits’s editorial team in 2020, Jay worked as a Digital Marketing Expert and user experience researcher, producing content for US based firms.