The pros of Kanban are that it is Maximum adaptability, Collaboration, Low overhead, Clarity of the task, Enhanced team performance, Encourages collaboration, Reduces cost and waste, Very straightforward, Continuous, and sustainable improvements. The cons of Kanban are that it is Can not be used independently, has Complexity limitations, Lacks timing, Does not fit a dynamic environment, has Schedule management for the project, Independent tool, has Poor quality output, and More difficult. So let us have deep insight into the Kanban pros and cons to better understand this topic.
Pros of Kanban | Advantages of Kanban
Maximum Adaptability
Maximum adaptability is encouraged by Kanban, which is fantastic for larger projects that call for constant modifications.
Kanban promotes collaboration and requires the entire team to cooperate in order to deliver the desired results.
Low overhead
Compared to other project management techniques, it is simple to supervise the usage of kanban board, cards, and output analysis.
Clarity of the task
It is evident what the team needs to accomplish to advance the project when the tasks are laid out on a Kanban board. You may provide your team with the information they need to complete their duties using Kanban cards.
Very straightforward
Kanban is a very straightforward and uncomplicated approach that makes it possible for business management to implement this system successfully.
Enhanced team performance
You and your project team may better visualize your process, establish clear priorities and identify bottlenecks more rapidly by using Kanban project management. These will increase your team’s effectiveness because everyone’s efforts will be focused on the appropriate tasks at the appropriate times.
Reduces cost and waste
Kanban stands out by identifying and resolving process problems. By directly assisting the business in utilizing its current process, such as just-in-time and make-to-order, etc.
Continuous and sustainable improvements
The company’s production system should be continuously and sustainably improved according to the Kanban system. In addition to handwritten rules or cards, kanban also includes visualization of the process outputs, which facilitates reviewing completed work.
Encourages collaboration
One of the major obstacles that organizations must overcome in the modern world is increasing team members’ collaboration. The correct tools can assist you in accomplishing this, and a wonderful example of one of these tools is the Kanban method of working.
Cons of kanban | Disadvantages of kanban
Can not be used independently
Kanban is not a methodology that can be used independently, while it might be integrated with other business models and frameworks like JIT, make-to-order, scrum, etc, to make those models more evident.
Schedule management for the project
The simplicity of the Kanban project management methodology makes it great, however without time frames and schedule specifics, it may be challenging to forecast when tasks should be accomplished and when the entire project can be completed.
Complexity limitation
As long as the team does not find using the Kandban boards to be too overwhelming, they are useful. Swim lanes can help your Kanban boards become more organized when you use Kanban to manage large projects in teams.
Lack of timing
Each phase does not have a specific time limit, which can be harmful.
Does not fit a dynamic environment
The Kanban approach relies on plans that are constant and steady up to a point, which makes it vulnerable in sectors where activity is not still.
Independently tool
Kanban can’t be utilized independently as a tool. It is a methodology that may be used in conjunction with other business processes and systems, such as JIT, make-to-order scrum, etc, to make those systems more visible.
Poor quality output
Poor quality output could come from the implementation of the system. The smoother flow of work is achieved through kanban, which functions as a monitoring structure.
More difficult
If too many activities or tasks are interconnected in a system, kanban will become very challenging to apply. This is due to the fact that such a system makes it more difficult to maintain the speed of all these operations and raises the likelihood of frequent transfers of production and expertise among various tasks.
Thank you for reading this article. If you have any queries regarding our article on the Kanban pros and cons then do comment in the comment section below.
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- Pros and Cons of Agile
- Pros and Cons of Scrum
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- Slack pros and cons
Author Profile

- Jay Solanki is an expert writer with 8+ years of experience as a content writer. They specialize in making complex topics like insurance and technology easy to understand. Jay has written over thousands of articles to help people become confident about technology knowledge. Prior to joining Way2benefits’s editorial team in 2020, Jay worked as a Digital Marketing Expert and user experience researcher, producing content for US based firms.
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