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Advantages and Disadvantages of Java

For a very long time, java has been among the most popular and effective programming languages available. The advantages of Java are very simple, stable, secure, robust and object-oriented. The disadvantages of Java are memory management, garbage collection, and expense. There are several Advantages and Disadvantages of Java to consider when looking at its positives and negatives.

Advantages of Java | Pros of Java

Let us have look at the advantages of Java and these are as follows


Java is a simple and direct programming language because it is easy to learn and comprehend. Since it uses automatic garbage collection and has C++-based syntax, we don’t need to delete the unreferenced object from memory. Explicit pointers, operator overloading, and other features have been removed from Java, making it simpler to read and write.

Java is stable

Compared to programs written in other languages, Java programs are more reliable. Additionally, a new version with more sophisticated features is quickly released, which increases its stability.


Secure Java lacks a clear-cut pointer; in addition, a security guard is what distinguishes the entrance to classes. Pointers were used in languages like C and C++ to access memory locations. A pointer can result in unauthorized memory access, which poses a security risk. Java also uses OOP concepts like inheritance, encapsulation, and abstraction, which boost security and prevent unauthorized user access.


Java is more functional because it employs an object-oriented paradigm. In Java, everything is an object that manages both data and behaviour. Abstraction, polymorphism, inheritance, classes, and encapsulation are all object-oriented concepts used in Java.

Java offers support for portability.

Java is a universal language. This is due to Java’s platform independence and the fact that it doesn’t need any specialized hardware to function. Java is now practically compatible with all devices.


Java uses strong memory management, making it a robust programming language. The Java code allows us to handle exceptions as well. We can also use type-checking to strengthen the security of our code. Because it does not offer an explicit pointer, the programmer cannot use the code to access memory because it does not offer an explicit pointer.

Java offers a productive memory allocation scheme.

Java divides the memory primarily into two sections, the heal area and the stack area. Which results in an efficient memory allocation strategy. Any variable we need can have memory space allocated by the JVM, either from the heap or stack. When a variable is declared, the JVM allocates memory from the stack or the heap.


A program’s ability to carry out several tasks simultaneously is known as “multithreading.” Finally showed up to familiarize himself with Java’s multithreading concepts.

Automatic garbage collection

Java provides automatic garbage collection. The Java virtual machine is in charge of the executive’s program memory. The article ceases to exist when they stop being used by programs and stops making references.

Cons of Java | Disadvantages of Java

Execution java language

Java language execution is slower when compared to other dialects because it burns through memory more slowly.

Look and feel

GUI applications written in Java that use the swing toolbox do not look exactly like local applications by default.


Due to its higher processing and memory requirement, the Java programming language is a little more expensive. For the Java program to run, we need better hardware.

Memory management

Memory management in Java is done through garbage collection. Whenever the garbage collector is running, it affects how the device appears on the screen. This frequently occurs because all other strings inside must be stopped for the junk authority string to function.

Garbage collection

Java offers automatic garbage collection that is not subject to programmer control. It does not offer memory freezing methods like delete() and free().

Java does not offer a backup option.

Java primarily focuses on storage rather than data backup. This is a significant flaw that lowers user interest and ratings.

Verbose and complex codes

Java codes are lengthy and complex, which means they contain many words and a lot of lengths. Complex sentences that are challenging to read and understand. This could make the code less meaningful.

Thank you for reading this article. If you have any queries regarding our article on the Advantages and disadvantages of Java then do comment in the comment section below.

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Divya Chauhan
Divya Chauhan is an expert writer with 10+ years of experience as a content writer. They specialize in making complex topics like IT, Health, and general topic easy to understand. Divya has written over thousands of articles to help people with their content. Prior to joining Way2benefits’s editorial team in 2020, Divya worked as a Professor of BCA college and freelancer blogger.