Hadoop is the favourite of all solution of the Big Data. Some points on why are Hadoop important are as follows. You also check out the advantages and disadvantages of Hadoop to know more about it. Points on Why Hadoop important? Flexibility Unlike conventional relational databases, data need not be pre-processed until it is stored. […]
Category: Benefits of technology
What are the uses of Hadoop? | Hadoop uses
Hadoop is an open-source Java-based framework is used for storing and processing big data. It is very useful for big business because it is based on a cheap server. So it required less cost to store the data and processing the data. Now let us discuss some uses of Hadoop in this article. You can […]
Benefits of Big Data in manufacturing industry
Predictive manufacturing offers downtime and efficiency near to zero. It takes a large amount of data and sophisticated analysis software to turn a structured data process into usable knowledge. Let us discuss points on the benefits of using big data applications in the manufacturing industry. You also check out the advantages and disadvantages of big […]
What are characteristics of Big Data?
Big Data characteristics is a pure term that describes the incredible value of Big Data. This software engineering is strictly build to handle the enormous data that is generated every second. Let us check out some key characteristics of Big Data in this article. You can also know the advantages and disadvantages of Big Data […]
Category Big Data
Advantages and disadvantages of Big Data What are the use and need for Big Data? What are the characteristics of Big Data? Benefits of using Big Data in the manufacturing industry What are the advantages of Big Data in accounting? What are the risks and challenges of Big Data? What are the challenges of Big […]
Quantum computing advantages and disadvantages
Quantum computing is an ordinary computer chip that uses bits. These look like a tiny switch, that can either be in the off position represented by a zero or in the on position represented by a one. Every application you can use and the website you visit and also photograph you take is ultimately made […]
What are uses and need of big data?
The amount of data available to the company to grow rapidly so the big data come into the picture. Big Data allows for the analysis of this huge amount of data to bring out insights that were incomprehensible. The uses of Big Data in many fields to increase their performance. What we have imagined is […]
What are the uses of artificial intelligence?
Artificial intelligence was a branch of computer science concerned with intelligent behavior. It has also been used for real-time applications in the field of healthcare, education, engineering, and defense. Artificial intelligence is now an advanced field and help in building an artificial human thinking power that solves specific tasks. Let us check some uses of […]
Advantages and disadvantages of software testing
Software testing is a trial and error method to find out the error in the software. It is done many times to make sure the software is well developed. This method often-used some techniques to detect errors and these are noted and also reported to the team for them to study and to revise it […]
Advantages and disadvantages of aerial photography
The science of taking photos from a point in the air for the purpose of making some type of study of the earth’s surface is called aerial photography. Aerial photography was the first method of the remote sensing process. Today, It is widely used for remote sensing. In addition, the first aerial photograph was taken […]
Advantages and disadvantages of affilate marketing
Affiliate marketing is a performance-based advertising model. It is a joint and mutually beneficial business partnership between merchants and website or blog owner. An affiliate promotes a product or services by placing ads or links online and receives compensation for achieving a specific objective or income. The merchant pays a commission for promoting the product. […]
Advantages and disadvantages of QR code
The term QR stands for the quick response. Additionally, the word QR code is 2D code which contains data in both the dimensions. It has the capacity to store numeric code with a maximum of 7089 characters and alphanumeric code with 4296 characters. QR codes have each black module represents 1 bit and white one […]
Advantages and disadvantages of hadoop
Hadoop is one kind of open-source software utility collection for performing computations on a large amount of data. It provides a software framework for multiple storages in various locations and processes them using MapReduce technology. Hadoop processes the various structured and unstructured to collect, process and analyze big data. Let us check out some important […]
Advantages and disadvantages of neural network
A neural network is a collection of algorithms that seek to identify underlying relationships in a dataset through a mechanism that imitates the way the human brain works. The neural networks may respond to evolving inputs, therefore the network produces the best possible output without redesigning the performance criteria. The neural network characteristics are a […]
Advantages and disadvantages of big data
Before we continue this biggest discussion about what are the benefits and drawbacks of big data. We need to understand big data in this topic, but let us first understand what is data? Data can be described as the numbers or statistics that a computer can store in use. Before that, we need to learn […]
What are the different types of artificial intelligence?
The artificial intelligence can be classified into two main types based on functionality and another is based on capabilities. Let us check out both types in detail in this article to know more about artificial intelligence. For more details find out the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence to know more about it. Types based […]
Advantages of using cryptocurrency for business
As cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin are used more and more in day to day business transactions. Now, we check out some of the distinct advantages they can offer in business over more traditional forms of payment. Like all cryptocurrencies, bitcoin is most widely used in business transactions. It also has several advantages and disadvantages of […]
What is cryptocurrency trading? Application and use
Application of cryptocurrency in trading: Let us check it out at some point related to trading. Following are some of the information to know more about trading. Cryptocurrency trading is the act of speculating on the cryptocurrency price movement via a CFD trading account or normal trading account. You can also check out the advantages […]
What is cryptocurrency and its purpose?
The definition of cryptocurrency and its purpose is discussed below. Cryptocurrency is a digital coin not authorized or allowed as a medium of exchange by the government. This currency uses powerful cryptography to protect online transactions and shopping online. The advantages and disadvantages are also more important to find out more information. Purpose of cryptocurrency […]
Disadvantages of artificial intelligence in healthcare
The most important factor in any kind of medical procedure is safety. The increasing concern surrounding the ethical and medical impact of the use of artificial intelligence. This raises some clinical safety questions when using these technologies. Let us check out the disadvantage of artificial intelligence in healthcare to know more about it. You can […]
What is cryptocurrency mining? How does it work?
Cryptocurrency Mining Definition: Cryptocurrency mining is when you use a computer to solve a cryptographic puzzle to create blocks. The cryptocurrency is paid to miners. What is cryptocurrency mining? Cryptocurrency mining is also called as crypto mining. It is a process in which transactions for different forms of cryptocurrency are check and verify and then […]
Practical disadvantages of cryptocurrency
Key points on the practical disadvantages of cryptocurrency are as follows. So let us check out the practical disadvantages of cryptocurrency to know more about it. You also know the advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrency to know more about it. A practical weakness of cryptocurrency: The biggest concerns with cryptocurrencies are problems with scaling. Cryptocurrencies […]
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Some key applications of artificial intelligence are discussed below. Let us check out some applications of artificial intelligence in this article to know more about it. You also check the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence to know more about it. Artificial Intelligence Applications: Gaming: It is useful in algorithmic and strategic games such as […]
Category Artificial Intelligence
Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence What are the pros of artificial intelligence? Applications of artificial intelligence Disadvantages of artificial intelligence in healthcare Benefits of artificial intelligence in healthcare Different types of artificial intelligence What are the uses of artificial intelligence? What is the importance of artificial intelligence? Advantages of artificial intelligence in education
What are the pros of artificial intelligence?
Key points of the pros of artificial intelligence are discussed below. So let us check out some advantages of artificial intelligence to know more about it. For more details also find out the pros and cons of artificial intelligence to know more about it. Pros of Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence has a low error rate […]
Advantages and disadvantages of virtual reality
Virtual reality means an animated scene which a real look. It has been the sci-fi concept in recent years. The introduction of virtual reality initially made the customer extremely interested. From that time, it became obvious in the field of technically that everything is possible. The virtual, real home based phone is now in extinction […]
Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence is one of the latest technology which used to perform tasks that would normally require a human being. John McCarthy invented this term in the year 1950. In addition, it is already beginning to change the way buildings are built and designed. In addition, Artificial intelligence is the ability of computer programs to […]
What are the benefits of investing in cryptocurrency?
Everyone wants money to double it. Cryptocurrency offers a good opportunity for users who would like to invest safely in the long term. In the past few years, most cryptocurrencies have experienced increased demand that has increased their value by four times. Here, in this article we can discuss the benefits of investing in cryptocurrency. […]
Category Cryptocurrency
Advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrency Best trading platform for cryptocurrency What are the benefits of investing in cryptocurrency? Practical disadvantages of cryptocurrency What is cryptocurrency mining? How does it work? What are a cryptocurrency and its purpose? What is cryptocurrency trading? Application and use Advantages of using cryptocurrency for business
Best trading platform for cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency exchanging platforms refers to some specific websites that allow buying, selling, or trading cryptocurrencies for digital and other traditional currencies like Euro, and USD. The list of the best platforms for trading in cryptocurrency is following below. You also know the advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrency to know more about it. Kraken Binance Bitfinex […]