Project managers have used Gantt charts for many years. But they might not be the ideal option in every situation, much like other project management tools. Let’s examine some Gantt chart benefits and drawbacks. The Advantages of the Gantt chart are it is a visual tool, easy to create, has High visibility, and High-level overview. The Disadvantages of the Gantt chart are it is time-consuming, complex, confusing, and Not easy to calculate. So let us discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Gantt chart to better understand this topic. Some advantages and disadvantages of the Gantt Chart are discussed below. So let us check it out its advantages and disadvantages to know more about Gantt Chart.
Advantages of the Gantt chart | Pros of the Gantt Chart
- It offers a high-level overview.
- It is a visual tool.
- Clearly delineated dependencies
- Better tracking is possible.
- It is a communication tool that improves stakeholders’ decision-making.
- It is easy to create.
- It enhances team productivity.
- High visibility for stakeholders.
- It helps to control the project status.
- It keeps everyone on the same page, even remote workers.
- Increased schedule accuracy.
- It helps you set realistic deadlines and expectations.
- Improve communication and coordination among stakeholders.
- It supports procurement processes by showing delivery dates.
- One simple chart can show multiple activity groups on the same day.
- It makes complex information manageable.
- It is easy to represent tasks, subtasks, milestones, and projects on a graph.
- It motivates team members.
- It boosts productivity.
- Clear visibility of dates and time frames.
- It is a good tool for presenting in team meetings.
- Easy to check the project status.
- It is a tool for representing the project schedule.
- Iy help in efficient time management.
- It helps to see the plan by day, week, month, quarter, and year.
Disadvantages of Gantt Chart | Cons of Gantt Chart
- Set-up time can be time-consuming.
- They don’t designate priorities.
- Without software, it is not possible to make resources for tasks.
- They become complex and confusing.
- The creation and updating of the work schedule is challenging.
- Extra work is needed to create and maintain the chart.
- Trying to see everything on a single piece of paper is challenging.
- It is impossible to allocate resources to projects without software.
- Not easy to calculate the aggregates.
- It is difficult to realign the activities from one WBS level to another.
- Need to scroll and click additional buttons to view the remaining items.
- In large and complicated projects, inserting activities and creating activity linkages may take some time.
- It is difficult to keep track of every activity in a complicated project.
- Not all tasks are accessible in a single Gantt view.
- Stakes represent only the time and not the hours of the work.
Thank you for reading this article. If you have any queries regarding our article on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Gantt Chart then do comment in the comment section below.
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Author Profile

- Jay Solanki is an expert writer with 8+ years of experience as a content writer. They specialize in making complex topics like insurance and technology easy to understand. Jay has written over thousands of articles to help people become confident about technology knowledge. Prior to joining Way2benefits’s editorial team in 2020, Jay worked as a Digital Marketing Expert and user experience researcher, producing content for US based firms.
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