A public limited company (PLC) is an entity that allows the general public to purchase shares and has limited liability. Another name for them is publicly traded companies. Shares of a PLC are sold on the stock market and can be purchased on the market, privately, or during the IPO. The advantages of a public limited company are that it raises capital more quickly, has lower investment risk, more public confidence, and better credit access. On the other hand, the disadvantages of being a PLC are that you are subject to increased scrutiny, strict operational regulations, a possible loss of business ownership, stock market volatility, shareholder pressure, and takeover vulnerability. So let us check out the advantages and disadvantages of public limited companies to better understand this topic
Pros of Public Limited Company | Advantages of Public Limited Company
Greater capital availability
Because PLCs are open to public investment, they have additional possibilities for raising capital. A public will gain more money from investment and mutual funds the more appealing it is to its shareholders.
Better credit access
Because PLCs are viewed as more reliable and secure than smaller enterprises, they have greater credit access.
A company’s prestige and repute can be enhanced by becoming a PLC, which will draw in additional investors, clients, and suppliers.
Network of widened business
A person’s desire for a business to succeed is inherent when they invest in it. It goes without saying that when a business succeeds, its shareholders gain from it. Therefore, it makes sense that investors would want to assist you in growing your company’s network in order to spur growth.
Reduced Risk
It may also surprise you to hear that becoming a PLC can assist you in restricting the amount of business that your company accepts. Giving investors significant shares of the company may be required for other kinds of investments. Rather, by becoming a PLC, you reduce the risk associated with the business by selling fewer shares to fewer people.
A better representation
Customers, staff members, and investors start to take notice of your brand as a result, lending a certain kind of prestige to your company. Many businesses find that, as a result of their newfound position as PLCs, their sales and profitability rise.
Expansion Opportunies
A public limited company is more likely than a private corporation to receive financing from banks. This is mostly because investing carries less risk. PLCs are typically more established than smaller private companies, which tend to be more volatile. Increasing bank funding will encourage development and assist the business in entering new markets.
A member’s liability is limited
A public limited company is most advantageous to the directors and shareholders since it shields them from additional responsibilities. Moreover, if the company experiences a financial loss, the assets of the directors and shareholders are safeguarded since their liability is capped at the market value of the company shares.
Transferable of shares at no charge
Shares of public limited companies are bought and sold on a stock exchange. They are readily transferable between the stock exchange market and its members.
Cons of Public Limited Company | Disadvantages of Public Limited Company
Public Scrutiny
A PLC that is publicly traded is more likely to be the target of regulatory oversight and public scrutiny than a privately held business. These processes can be costly and time-consuming.
The volatile market for stocks
The stock market is known for its occasional volatility. A company’s price is frequently negatively impacted by unfavorable media coverage, making it possible for the general public to buy the company’s shares for a significantly lower price.
Shareholder pressure
A PLC shareholder has the ability to sway decision-making, which may lead to management choices that put immediate profit ahead of long-term expenses.
High-cost business form
The corporation must pay a huge fee to register as a public business. Launching a public company requires a substantial financial investment, careful planning, and compliance with protocols. Your investment determines the return on investment for the company.
Loss of control
When a business becomes public, the owners of the company lose some control over it. PLCs have less freedom to make business decisions since they must abide by legal requirements. In addition to being partial owners, financial institutions and shareholders need to be taken into account while making decisions.
Maintaining expectations all the time frequently results in short-termism. This means PLCs usually prioritize short-term gains over long-term outcomes. It is challenging to strike a balance between long-term strategy development and institutional shareholder satisfaction.
Thank you for reading this article. If you have any queries regarding our article on the Public Limited Company Advantages and Disadvantages, then do leave a comment in the comment section below.
Explore more information:
- Pros and Cons of LLP
- Private Limited Company Advantages and Disadvantages
- Partnership Pros and Cons
- Pros and Cons of LLC
Author Profile

- Jay Solanki is an expert writer with 8+ years of experience as a content writer. They specialize in making complex topics like insurance and technology easy to understand. Jay has written over thousands of articles to help people become confident about technology knowledge. Prior to joining Way2benefits’s editorial team in 2020, Jay worked as a Digital Marketing Expert and user experience researcher, producing content for US based firms.
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