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Dictatorship pros and cons

An authoritarian form of government is a dictatorship. The majority of them are distinguished by having a lone leader and either no party or a weak one. If they all adopt the same mindset, a group of leaders could also create this system. Because there is little political diversity, no widespread protest or dissent, and a general desire among the populace to change the course of the nation, those in power are successful. Here are the listed Top 14 Dictatorship Pros and Cons to help you better understand this topic.

A Top 7 List Pros of Dictatorship

  1. Stable government
  2. As soon as a dictatorship takes hold in society, the crime rate quickly decreases
  3. Less chance for corruption
  4. The dictator selects the members of the government
  5. Efficiency
  6. Dictators can use their personalities to advance global diplomacy
  7. International relations can flourish

A Top 7 List of Cons of Dictatorship

  1. Not a sustainable solution
  2. Laws can be rewritten by dictators at any time
  3. The oppression of the populace
  4. Not a sustainable solution
  5. Laws can be modified at any time.
  6. It creates disinterest in society
  7. Create power vacuum

Pros of Dictatorship | Advantages of Dictatorship

Stable government

In this style of governance, all decisions are made by a single person with no input from others. Since people only obey orders without questions, this could result in a stable nation. There were 12 dictators in the world as of November 2017 who had been in power for at least 25 years. 16 additional world leaders have been in office for at least 15 years.

As soon as a dictatorship takes hold in society, the crime rate quickly decreases

Although the crime rate frequently increases in a dictatorship because various laws are passed, occasionally at the leader’s, which makes certain behaviors illegal, what we typically think of as criminal activity declines under this authoritarian system. A significant deterrent against activities detrimental to society is the quick, frequently severe punishment meted out when a criminal act occurs.

Less chance for corruption

A dictator is very strict about the laws, ordinances, fines, imprisonment, and rewards. Because of this, his subordinate is less likely to be corrupt.

The dictator selects a member of the government

In a dictatorship, citizens can rest easy knowing that their leader personally selected those who would run the government. There is no chance of an uneducated or unqualified person taking office because these leaders are frequently raised within the system and have been cultivated for it since early childhood. A dictatorship can maintain stability without running the risk of being overthrown by outside forces, with sich assurance of the ruling elite.


Since only one person is in charge of making decisions in an emergency, dictatorship leadership is more effective. TO deal with the emergency, the plan of action and individual accountability are clearly stated.

Dictators can use their personalities to advance global diplomacy

The success or failure of a dictatorship frequently depends on the morality of the person or group in charge of the government. The ability of the leaders to sign treaties, negotiate trade policies, and establish other advantageous positions can benefit the entire population when they can use their influence to forge alliances with other governments around the world. There is a strong argument that dictators who understand that compromise and patriotism without exploitation result in a stronger economic system will experience greater GDP success than any other type of government.

International relations can flourish

A dictator who has a strong sense of generosity and patriotism is in good physical and mental health, and can easily form beneficial alliances with other world governments. Foreign policy is directly related to the ruler or the ruling party, which makes it simpler for both sides to advance a negotiating position. A dictator who understands that checks and balances will always be a part of international diplomacy can open up amazing opportunities for their people.

Cons of Dictatorship | Disadvantages of Dictatorship 

Not a sustainable solution

There are dictatorships everywhere, but they are transient. A dictator frequently has to fend off multiple attempts to overthrow his rule.

Laws can be rewritten by dictators at any time

In a democracy, authorities are not free to enact any laws. Instead, both houses of Congress must first approve these. Under autocratic rule, anything can be decreed and immediately made law, even if it only hurts a particular group of people. This is not how it works. All power resides with one dictator alone, and the people have no say in what becomes or is not made into law.

The oppression of the populace

Dictatorship is governed by fear, and the majority of dictators succeed in instilling fear in their subjects and occasionally even killing them.

Not a sustainable solution

There are dictatorships everywhere, but they are transient. A dictator frequently has to fend off multiple attempts to overthrow his rule.

Laws can be modified at any time

In a dictatorship system of government, the ruler has the power to impose his rule at any time. Dictators alter the law to their own advantage.

It creates disinterest in society

In a dictatorship, the general populace is subjected to such oppression that the result is frequently a lack of self-initiative. People start to become preoccupied with giving their absolute obedience to keep up the appearance of living with their families.

Create power vacuum

Create a power vacuum that leads to political unrest in the nation if the dictator dies or is assassinated.

Thank you for reading this article. If you have any queries regarding our article on the Dictatorship’s Pros and Cons then do comment in the comment section below.

Explore more information:

  1. Pros and Cons of Democracy
  2. Pros and Cons of Theocracy
  3. parliamentary democracy Pros and cons
  4. Pros and Cons of Monarchy
  5. Pros and cons of Aristocracy
  6. Presidential democracy pros and cons
  7. Constitutional monarchy pros and cons

Author Profile

Divya Chauhan
Divya Chauhan is an expert writer with 10+ years of experience as a content writer. They specialize in making complex topics like IT, Health, and general topic easy to understand. Divya has written over thousands of articles to help people with their content. Prior to joining Way2benefits’s editorial team in 2020, Divya worked as a Professor of BCA college and freelancer blogger.