An S corporation is a business that has chosen to be taxed as a flow-through entity. The letter S also stands for IRS code section. The selection allows shareholders to be fixed only as individual levels rather than both corporate and individual levels, avoiding double taxation as with the C corporation. There is no federal […]
Tag: Organization Structure
Horizontal organizational structure advantages and disadvantages
The horizontal organization is also known as the flat organization, it is one in which there is little to no emphasis on hierarchy and seniority. You can also check out the advantages and disadvantages of horizontal organizational structure to better understand this topic. Pros or advantages of horizontal or flat organization structure: It is the […]
Hierarchical organizational structure advantages and disadvantages
Some of the advantages and disadvantages of a Hierarchical organizational structure are as follows. Also, you can check out the advantages and disadvantages of organizational structure to know more about it. Pros or Advantages of hierarchical organizational structure: Authority and responsibility are clearly defined. It creates a defined structure for communication. Employees are very loyal […]
Product organizational structure advantages and disadvantages
Some of the advantages and disadvantages of a product organizational structure are as follows. Also, you can check out the advantages and disadvantages of the product organizational structure to know more about it. Pros or Advantages of product organizational structure: Have particular product lines that are substantially different. This structure is market-oriented. In addition, it […]
Advantages and disadvantages of matrix organizational structure

Some of the advantages and disadvantages of a matrix organizational structure are as follows. Also, you can check out the advantages and disadvantages of organizational structure to know more about it. Pros or advantages of matrix organizational structure: It enhances organizational flexibility. It is a clear articulation of project objectives. Team members have the opportunity […]
Advantages and disadvantages of divisional structure
Some of the advantages and disadvantages of a Divisional organizational structure are as follows. Also, you can check out the advantages and disadvantages of organizational structure to know more about it. Pros or advantages of divisional structure: Each division can work as an independent unit. Each division gets adequate freedom. Division managers become experts in […]
Advantages and disadvantages of functional organizational structure

Some of the advantages and disadvantages of a functional organizational structure are as follows. Also, you can check out the advantages and disadvantages of organizational structure to know more about it. Pros or Advantages of Functional Organizational Structure: The functional organizational structure helps in achieving the benefits of specialization in all of the work. In […]
Advantages and disadvantages of organizational structure

Organizational structure is the pattern or mechanism of organization hierarchy based on an authority responsibility relationship. In addition, it is more than a chart and foundation of management. It is the mechanism through which management controls the business. Now, let us check out the advantages and disadvantages of organizational structure to know more about it. […]