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Advantages and disadvantages of parliamentary system of government

A parliamentary system of government creates a democratic state in which the executive branch gains legitimacy by commanding the legislative branch. The leader of the government becomes the leader of the majority coalition or party. one of the commonly attributed advantages of the parliamentary system is that it a faster and easier to pass legislation. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of the parliamentary system of government.

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Advantages of the parliamentary system of government:

Ir reduces the workload:

A parliamentary system has a dual executive. In other words, a head of state and a head of government exist. As a result, the two executives have the ability to easily share executive functions. The division of labour relieves the two of them of their burden

It has checks and balances:

Through a system of checks and balances, a parliamentary system governs each branch of government. This reduces the possibility of one branch dominating the other when pursuing legislation.

Avoids dominance:

The issue of preserving the diversity of opinion in society, which can provide each person with a fair chance of having their voice heard, is closely related to the preceding. Furthermore, unlike in purely presidential systems, many political parties run on local platforms and issues rather than national issues.

Increases cooperation:

To be given the mandate to form a government, a party must win a clear majority of seats. Failure to do so frequently necessitates the formation of an inter-party coalition. Because the formation of this coalition necessitates a relatively high level of cooperation and compromise there is less friction and abrasion amount the various factions.

Much less expensive:

In a parliamentary system, parliamentary candidates compete for seats in their constituency, and the party with the most seats is asked to form the next government led by the prime minister. The advantage is that there is only one level of election, resulting in less expenditure.

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Disadvantages of the parliamentary system of government:

Reduces the impact of local concerns:

Direct representation at the local level is reduced under this form of governance. That is because it forces elected officials to compromise their positions in order to align with what the majority prefers. Most of the time, these concerns are out of touch with reality, they may fail to address the plight of the governed as necessary.

It reduces the voice of majority parties:

Although anyone can form a political party, large, established political parties wield the most power in a parliamentary system. Unless a coalition is required, those with large parties tend to ignore the needs of smaller parties.

Election schedules are unpredictable:

Because elections can take place at any time, this form of government has an unpredictable election schedule. People can vote without having to wait for announcements. This is both distributive and costly, as the frequency can frequently become excessive and incur additional costs.

Highly susceptible to Manipulations:

The ruling coalition parties may attempt to manipulate the outcome by exploiting structural flaws. They may, for example, sabotage specific government operations, withdraw from the coalition prematurely, or even collaborate with the opposition to betray the government in any shape or form. These acts do not code well for the government or the general welfare of the people.

Thank you for reading this article. If you have any queries regarding our article on the Advantages and disadvantages of the parliamentary system of government then do comment in the comment section below.

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Divya Chauhan
Divya Chauhan is an expert writer with 10+ years of experience as a content writer. They specialize in making complex topics like IT, Health, and general topic easy to understand. Divya has written over thousands of articles to help people with their content. Prior to joining Way2benefits’s editorial team in 2020, Divya worked as a Professor of BCA college and freelancer blogger.